What means the option 'Avoid duplicate copies' while importing/reading data?
Sometimes it could be that a measured value seems to be not plausible and you start a new measuring to check this. To avoid to have such double values in the statistic SiDiary can try to recognize this values as 'duplicates'.
We will show you this procedure with some sample data:
As an example, on 19.09. at 15:00 a BG of 500 mg/dl. A control measurement one minutes later revealed a value of 100
(Such discrepancies can occur if there are remains of sugar on your finger and you have not washed your hands before measuring).
One day later, 08:01 to 08:04 every minute four measurements performed with the results of 101, 102, 103 and 104 mg/dl.
These measurements thus appear very plausible. For demonstration purposes, we've added different values for carbs, basal and bolus.
Then these data were imported into SiDiary.
First with active duplicate detection:

Here are the results:

As you can see on 19.09. both the 500 and the 100 mg/dl are registered. Within the duplicate period (possible duplicates examined only accurate when time no longer than 15 minutes apart), a value is only recognized as a duplicate, if the difference between the values is less than 10 mg/dl (0.6 mmol/l). That was not the case here, so both values were recorded = no duplicates!

Unlike at 20.09:. Here was the difference less than 10 mg/dl, so the following values were identified as duplicates and not entered in the diary. This shows the exception at values for carbs, bolus and basal: A value is identified here only as a duplicate when it is exactly the same. That was not here the case, so there were no duplicates, and they were entered.
The same procedure without active duplicate detection:

Here are the results:

All blood sugar readings were recorded, although they are temporally very close together, because they were not examined for duplicates.
Here as our reference test data for the above scenario: